Family Visiting Hours

BryLin Hospital Visitor Policies


It is the policy of BryLin Hospitals, Inc. (“BryLin”) to provide service recipients with opportunities for visitation, mail, and telephone calls during treatment. Service recipients are encouraged to maintain contact with family and friends during hospitalization, but BryLin reserves the right to restrict visitation based on medical considerations.

Service recipients are allowed to interact and communicate with families and friends during their stay via:

A. Mail

1. Service recipients may receive and send mail during their hospitalization.
2. Incoming mail and packages are given promptly to service recipients and are opened in the presence of staff to ensure no contraband items are received. The content of letters to service recipients is private and not read by staff.
3. Writing paper and envelopes are available at all nursing stations for service recipient use.
4. Members of the treatment team are available to assist service recipients who cannot read or write.

B. Telephone Use

1. Public pay phones are located on the Adult Units for service recipient use.
2. Service recipients on the Child & Adolescent Unit may use the phone at the Nurse’s station.

C. Visiting Hours (*Subject to change – please call for the most up to date visiting hours and to arrange for a visitation.)

1. Child & Adolescent Unit Visitation (Unit extension: ext. 2296) *Effective 5/29/24

a. Visitation is by appointment only, one appointment per patient, per day offered from:

• Monday – Friday: 5:00-6:00pm, 6:00-7:00pm, or 7:00-8:00pm.
• Saturdays, Sundays & holidays: 1:00pm-2:00pm, 5:00-6:00pm, 6:00-7:00pm, or 7:00-8:00pm.
• Length of time per visitation is (60) minutes maximum.

b. Up to two visitors per patient are allowed to visit per day. All visitors must be at least 16 years of age and may be asked to provide proper ID.

c. Exception to these visiting hours can be arranged with the nurse manager or designee, in order to accommodate special needs..

d. Any food or beverages brought in from outside the hospital must be consumed during visit or are to be taken away by the visitor at end of appointment.

e. Visiting is restricted to immediate family or legal guardian. Parents or legal guardians may give permission in writing for additional visitors which must be approved by staff.

f. Visiting with families/loved ones may not occur in patients’ rooms but can occur in designated areas such as

• Common areas approved by clinical staff
• Dining area
• Patient lounge

g. The patient or visitor may request a virtual visit through the unit staff or the social worker.

For the Child & Adolescent Unit, friends are not allowed to visit without prior approval of the guardian.

Staff on the unit may verify identification at any time.

At our discretion, we may need to limit visitations so that all of our care recipients have a chance to see their loved ones. Thank you for your understanding.

BryLin Hospital nursing manager or designee will determine safety of the unit environment and decide if visitors are to leave the unit to protect the welfare of the of the patients, staff, and or visitors.

At BryLin Hospital we take pride in our therapeutic approach to care and we encourage our care recipients to participate in our programming.

2. Adult and Older Adult Unit Visitation (Unit extension: ext. 2148) *Effective 5/29/24

a. Visitation is by appointment only, one appointment per patient, per day offered from:

• Monday – Friday: 5:00-6:00pm, 6:00-7:00pm, or 7:00-8:00pm..
• Saturdays, Sundays & holidays: 1:00pm-2:00pm, 5:00-6:00pm, 6:00-7:00pm, or 7:00-8:00pm.
• Length of time per visitation is (60) minutes maximum.

b. Up to two visitors per patient are allowed to visit per day.

c. Exception to these visiting hours can be arranged with the nurse manager or designee, in order to accommodate special needs.

d. Visiting with families/loved ones may not occur in patients’ rooms but can occur in designated areas such as

• Common areas approved by clinical staff
• Dining area
• Patient lounge

e. Any food or beverages brought in from outside the hospital must be consumed during visit or are to be taken away by the visitor at end of appointment.

f. The patient or visitor may request a virtual visit through the unit staff or the social worker.

Staff on the unit may verify identification at any time.

At our discretion, we may need to limit visitations so that all of our care recipients have a chance to see their loved ones. Thank you for your understanding.

BryLin Hospital nursing manager or designee will determine safety of the unit environment and decide if visitors are to leave the unit to protect the welfare of the of the patients, staff, and or visitors.

At BryLin Hospital we take pride in our therapeutic approach to care and we encourage our care recipients to participate in our programming.

D. Visitation Guidelines (see below “Visitor Code of Conduct”)

1. Service recipients have the right to privacy, choice of visitors, and to refuse visitors.

a. Visitors are not allowed if the service recipient’s physician decides that visiting is not in the best interest of the service recipient or if the patient has declined to have visitors.

i. Unless requested by the service recipient, visitor restriction is only imposed for therapeutic and/or safety reasons.
ii. The restriction will be ordered by the attending physician after the service recipient has been fully informed.
iii. The reason(s) for the restrictions are documented in the service recipient’s medical record.
iv. The restrictions will be evaluated at least once a week at the individual’s multidisciplinary meeting.

b. A Visitor Restriction form is filled out by the service recipient. A copy of the form is placed at the nurses’ station, the customer service desk and the original is placed in the medical record.
c. A visitor(s) will be asked to leave by any staff if they are disruptive or behave in ways counter to the therapeutic environment in the judgment of the staff. Further, a visitor(s) may be prohibited from returning for visitation based on any previous disruptions injurious to the therapeutic environment in the judgment of the staff.

2. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to visit on the units.

3. Special arrangements may be made for children under the age of 16 to visit if deemed appropriate by the physician. An RN will inform the service recipient’s physician of the request and if approved, the physician will write an order for the visitation.

4. Visitation with child/adolescent service recipients who are under the age of 16 will take place in a designated area off the unit. A Mental Health Technician will accompany the service recipient to the designated area for visitation and remain with the patient during the entire visit.

5. Each visitor must sign in at the Customer Service Desk in the main lobby.

6. For service recipients’ safety, visitors may not bring cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, lighters, matches, weapons, glass items or other hazardous items to the hospital.

a. Visitors are discouraged from bringing large amounts of money or large amounts of clothing.
b. Visitors are not permitted to bring personal bags, purses or cell phones into the facility.
c. If bringing the service recipient clothing, it should be labeled with the service recipient’s name.
d. Due to service recipient confidentiality, cell phones, cameras and tape recorders, including radios with recording capacity, are not permitted.
e. All items brought in must be taken to the nurse in charge of the service recipient for inspection prior to being given to the service recipient.
f. Visitors are not permitted to bring in food or drink.

7. Past service recipients will not be permitted to visit a service recipient on the unit for three (3) months following their discharge unless arrangements are made with the treatment team in advance of visiting and approved by the psychiatrist of the admitted service recipient.

E. Additional Guidance Applicable During a Declared Pandemic

1. BryLin Hospitals, Inc. will establish procedures in compliance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and state and local public health departments. While maintaining a commitment to high quality and compassionate care, BryLin Hospitals, Inc. must protect and maintain a safe treatment environment for service recipients, family members, and staff.
2. The following measures may be implemented:

a. Upon entering our building all employees, family members, vendors, and service recipients will be asked specific questions about their current healthcare status, including signs and symptoms of any respiratory conditions. The questionnaire may also include a temperature scan.
b. Visitation to the hospital may be cancelled or limited without further notice in order to comply with federal and state guidance and implement appropriate disinfection between visits. Telephonic or virtual visits will be arranged to keep service recipients engaged with family and friends.
c. If visitation is permitted:

i. A face mask must be properly worn throughout the entirety of the visit when social distancing cannot be maintained. Visitors will be provided a face mask if they do not arrive with one. Visitors who refuse to wear a face mask must be asked to leave the facility;
ii. Visitors must sanitize their hands upon arrival and perform meticulous hand hygiene throughout the visit;
iii. Visitation exercised inside the facility will only occur in a designated area where disinfection, social distancing, and separation from other service recipients can be safely implemented;
iv. Visits must be scheduled and visitors will be asked at the time they are scheduling a visit whether there are any positive or suspected cases of pandemic illness in the home;
v. If a visitor is late for a scheduled appointment, then the end time for the scheduled visit remains as originally scheduled;
vi. Any areas of the facility utilized by the visitor(s) will be disinfected immediately following the visit; and
vii. A daily log of all visitors will be maintained that includes names and contact information, as well as the location within the facility/property that visitation occurred.
viii. Visiting (hours) may be subject to change at any time, without notice, during a pandemic. Please contact BryLin Hospital for the most accurate information.

d. All family therapy sessions will be held telephonically or virtually. Hospital staff will coordinate these appointments with family members.
e. All vendors will be asked to enter through the employee entrance to be screened. Vendor access will be limited and at the discretion of hospital management.


• Observe all policy and procedures of BryLin Hospital’s Visitation Policy.
• Respect a service recipient’s right to privacy. Federal law requires that hospitals comply with strict laws to protect service recipient’s privacy. Staff can only provide condition updates to service recipient’s designated representatives.
• Do not visit if you are sick or have an illness that could be transmitted to a service recipient.
• Be courteous to both service recipients and hospital staff. Respect other people, their property and hospital property.
• Wear shoes and a shirt at all times (no exceptions).
• Please have a form of identification available upon arrival to the facility.
• Please sign in at the Customer Service Desk in the lobby and wear your visitation sticker.
• Items that are brought in for service recipients, will need to be given to the nurse in charge of the service recipient prior to being given to the service recipient.
• Please secure all personal belongings (purses, large coats, briefcases, etc) in your car. Outside items will not be allowed on the unit.
• The following are PROHIBITED while visiting:

o Cell phones and other electronic devices
o Wearing apparel that displays obscene language
o Possession and/or use of street drugs and alcoholic beverages
o Using disruptive language or violent behavior
o Interfering with the care of a service recipient
o Use of any form of tobacco – including electronic cigarettes and vaporizers
o Possession of weapons

Visitors who do not comply with this Code of Conduct will be asked to leave BryLin Hospital property and maybe escorted by security. If a visitor is determined by staff to be detrimental to the treatment of any service recipient on the unit, that person may be asked to leave the unit and may be prohibited from visiting. Any visitors who become loud and disruptive to the unit may be asked to leave and may be prohibited from visiting.

**BryLin Hospital reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

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