You're not alone - mental health awareness


In the darkness, know this: You’re not aloneYou're not alone - mental health awareness

This year, BryLin Hospital is celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month with the You’re Not Alone campaign. We invite you to stand with us in fostering open dialogues, nurturing empathy, and eradicating stigma surrounding mental health. Together, let’s remind those facing mental illness that it’s okay not to be okay – they are not alone.

Knowing that you’re not alone is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Validation and Normalization: Understanding that others share similar struggles can validate one’s experiences and normalize feelings of distress or mental health challenges. It reassures individuals that their emotions are valid and that they are not abnormal or weak for experiencing them.
  2. Reducing Stigma: Feeling isolated in one’s struggles can perpetuate stigma surrounding mental health issues. Knowing that others face similar challenges reduces feelings of shame and encourages individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.
  3. Support and Connection: Recognizing that you’re not alone fosters a sense of connection with others who understand and empathize with your experiences. It opens the door to seeking support from friends, family, support groups, or mental health professionals, leading to better coping strategies and improved well-being.
  4. Perspective and Hope: Hearing stories of resilience and recovery from others who have faced similar challenges can provide hope and inspiration. Knowing that others have overcome similar obstacles can instill optimism and motivate individuals to persevere through difficult times.
  5. Access to Resources: Being aware that you’re not alone can lead to seeking out resources, such as therapy, support groups, hotlines, or online communities, that offer guidance, information, and assistance tailored to specific mental health needs.
  6. Empowerment and Advocacy: Recognizing that you’re not alone can empower individuals to advocate for themselves and others facing similar struggles. It encourages speaking out about mental health issues, promoting awareness, and working towards societal changes that support mental health and well-being.

Mental Health Awareness Month Resources: 

NAMI: Take the Moment

Mental Health America: Where to Start

National Institute of Mental Health: Digital Toolkit

SAMHSA: 2024 Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit

At BryLin Hospital – You’re Not Alone

In our endeavor to promote mental wellness, we encourage everyone to reach out for support. Help is readily available; all we need to do is ask. As part of this initiative, we ask that you to share our resources to aid individuals and families in crisis, guiding them toward the path of healing and hope.

At BryLin Hospital, our specialized short-term crisis mental health care programming is designed to assist individuals of all ages and backgrounds on their journey toward mental wellness. Whether you’re a child, adolescent, or adult, our dedicated programs cater to your unique needs.

For children and adolescents (aged 5-17) grappling with thoughts of self-harm or acute emotional distress, our Child & Adolescent Program provides a safe, supportive, and structured environment for healing and growth.

Similarly, our Adult Program focuses on psychiatric stabilization and symptom management for individuals (aged 18+) facing various psychiatric disorders, offering comprehensive, evidence-based care delivered by our multidisciplinary treatment team.

We understand the importance of addressing mental health without guilt or shame. By normalizing conversations around mental health and mental illness, we aim to empower individuals to prioritize their mental well-being. Together, let’s destigmatize mental health and pave the way for a brighter, healthier future. Join us in spreading awareness, fostering understanding, and supporting one another on the journey to mental wellness. Remember, You’re Not Alone.


  • Mark Nowak

    Mark Nowak serves as the Director of Marketing and Public Relations for BryLin Hospital, a leading crisis mental health care facility for children, adolescents, and adults. With over 25 years of experience in marketing and business development, Mark brings a wealth of expertise to his role. He is the author of insightful BryLin Hospital Blog Posts, where he shares his knowledge and passion for mental health awareness and support.

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