The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Answers about BryLin. We hope this helps. If you have any other specific questions, or one you believe would be helpful to add here, please let us know. [CONTACT US]
I. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Hospitalization at BryLin Hospital
Q. How do I get admitted to BryLin Hospital?
- If you, or a loved one, are struggling with your mental health, know that you’re not alone. When these struggles become severe, seeking help and treatment is crucial. To learn more about the admission process and how to get help for yourself or a family member, please refer to our instructions on How to Get Admitted to BryLin Hospital or How to Get Help for Family and Friends to potentially avoid the inconveniences associated with emergency room visits.
Q. What Insurances do you accept?
- We accept most major insurance plans, including Managed Medicaid and Medicare. However, please note that straight Medicaid is not accepted for inpatient mental health care for individuals aged 21 to 64 due to a Medicaid Federal Exclusion rule (IMD exclusion). For inquiries regarding your inpatient mental health benefits, please contact our admissions department at 716-886-8200 ext. 2264.
Q. Is smoking allowed at BryLin Hospital?
- We maintain a strict no-smoking policy on the facility grounds for the well-being of our staff, visitors, and service recipients.
Q. Are electronic devices allowed in BryLin Hospital?
- No, electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, computers, iPods, TVs, stereos, video games, CD players/recorders, pagers, cameras, camcorders, or any other audio or visual recording devices are permitted on the unit.
Q. Will there be a search of myself and my belongings?
- Yes. Prior to hospitalization, there will be an inspection of both the care recipient and their belongings for contraband/valuables. For details regarding BryLin’s policy on searches, please refer to our policy document.
Q. What kind of groups, programming, or activities are available? Are there weekend options?
- Our Therapeutic Activities Department offers a diverse range of skill-based groups and recreational activities daily, including weekends and evenings. Programming includes organized exercise, yoga, chair Tai Chi, relaxation and mindfulness sessions, as well as life skills-themed groups covering stress management, healthy coping strategies, leisure planning, creative arts and crafts, group games, and other social activities. Additionally, our unique Art Therapy programming, led by licensed art therapists, focuses on positive thinking, coping skills, and personal expression through art mediums.
- Our Clinical Counseling Department collaborates with the Multidisciplinary Treatment Team to establish treatment goals and discharge planning. We provide individual and group therapy sessions, including psychoeducation and processing groups covering topics such as mindfulness, relationships, mental health, sleep hygiene, distress tolerance, stress management, and challenging negative thoughts.
Q. What are the visitation policies at BryLin Hospital?
- See here for detailed visitation policies for both the Child & Adolescent Unit and Adult Unit.
II. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about What to Pack for a Hospital Stay
It is our priority to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients during their hospital stay. To help facilitate this, we have provided a list of items to bring and items to leave behind:
- What to Bring:
- Please bring all prescription medications/herbal supplements with you and/or the contact information for your pharmacy.
- Please bring comfortable clothing (see below what is not acceptable), but no more than 5 days’ worth. It is requested that you bring all clothing items in 1 suitcase.
- Please bring appropriate footwear. We suggest comfortable, slip-on shoes or slippers (with no shoelaces)
- Please bring a jacket or sweatshirt without strings
- Inform us in advance if you have special bedtime needs (e.g., C-PAP, oxygen, elevated head of bed, incontinence supplies).
- What NOT to Pack for a Hospital Stay:
- Valuable items.
- Revealing clothing (e.g., spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, short skirts or shorts, low-waisted bottoms).
- Clothing with negative/offensive messages.
- Hooded shirts or sweatshirts with or without strings.
- Clothing with sharp metal accents (including underwire bras).
- Jewelry, including body piercings (except wedding rings).
- Electronic equipment, iPods, or musical instruments.
Items NOT Allowed in Hospital Inpatient Areas:
For the safety of all patients and staff, the following items are strictly prohibited in hospital inpatient areas. If brought to the hospital, these items will either be returned to family or stored until discharge:
- Alcohol or drug-related paraphernalia.
- Sharp objects (e.g., razors, scissors, glass bottles, needles).
- Purses, wallets, and other personal bags.
- Shoelaces, belts, scarves, pantyhose, rope.
- Mouthwash, hairspray, nail polish remover, aerosol sprays (basic toiletries provided).
- Stuffed animals, blankets, and pillows from home.
- Matches, lighters, aerosol cans.
- TVs, stereos, video games, electronic devices.
- Cameras, camcorders, recording devices.
- Weapons, candles, incense, plastic bags.
- Other items deemed inappropriate or unsafe by our clinical staff.
III. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) –
At BryLin Hospital, we offer this safe and effective treatment while adhering to the highest standards of practice. Our compassionate staff will ensure you are well-informed and will provide excellent care throughout your treatment.
A. What is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)?
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a procedure in which electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT can alleviate symptoms of some mental illnesses by changing brain chemistry, often in a short period of time. This therapy often works when other treatments are not successful.
B. Is ECT Right for Me?
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) has been very effective in treating the following mental illnesses:
- Severe Depression
- Treatment-Resistant Depression
- Severe Mania
- Catatonia
- Agitation and Aggression in people with dementia
In some cases, ECT is also used:
- During pregnancy
- In older adults who cannot tolerate side effects of medications
- In people who prefer ECT treatments vs. taking medications
- When ECT has been successful in the past
C. Requirements for Receiving ECT Treatment at BryLin Hospital:
- Documentation from a mental health provider that shows you have discussed the ECT procedure with them, including risks and benefits.
- Family/Friend Support: The average course of ECT treatment is approximately 9-12 treatments, given over 3-4 weeks. We do require that patients are discharged from the facility to a family member or friend.
D. What Can I Expect Before Receiving ECT?
If your mental health provider (psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, counselor, etc.) feels that you are a candidate for this treatment, they may contact the BryLin ECT department at 716-886-8200 ext. 2196 to coordinate services. There will be an exchange of information; you may have to sign a release of information in order for us to receive records of your treatment.
You may also directly contact us, if you would like us to facilitate communication between your providers and this department. We encourage you to have a direct conversation with your provider so you may be fully informed of what this treatment entails.
Our staff, including psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, will review your records to determine if ECT is appropriate. Then, in order to initiate treatment, we will also need to gather information regarding your physical health. To safely receive treatment, we require the following updated information (within the past 6 months):
- History and Physical/ Medical Clearance
- Bloodwork
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
We also offer all of these at BryLin Hospital; you may schedule an appointment here and have all of them completed in one visit. If you would prefer, you may have your primary care doctor perform these requirements and have the results faxed to the ECT Department.
Once your mental health records and your medical clearance have been reviewed, the office will contact you to schedule you for an initial consultation with one of our psychiatrists. Oftentimes, we are able to schedule your initial consultation and your first treatment on the same day in order to expedite initiation of therapy.
BryLin Hospital provides ECT on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, generally in the morning. Appointment times are provided on the day before scheduled treatment; the office will call with the scheduled time.
E. What to Expect in Preparation, During and After Ambulatory ECT Treatment?
• See here for Pre & Post Ambulatory Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Instructions ⇒ BryLin Ambulatory ECT Instructions
• Details of BryLin’s Center of Excellence in Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Program can be seen [ HERE ]
• Download the BryLin Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) brochure here ⇒ Center of Excellence ECT Program Brochure
For more information, please call the ECT Department at 716-886-8200 ext. 2196.
These Frequently Asked Questions and Answers provide a guideline for care at BryLin Hospital.
If you have any other questions or need further clarification on the Frequently Asked Questions above, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 716-886-8200 or by email using our Contact Us form.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Are You Struggling with Mental Illness/Your Mental Health?
If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or other mental illness…. You’re not alone. Many people have feelings or experiences like yours at some point in their lives. When such experiences become severe, some people need to reach out for help and treatment. Call BryLin to speak with a licensed professional at (716) 886-8200 or Contact Us Today!